Contact Profildata

Feel free to contact Profildata for price information, questions, suggestions or technical specifications

Mailing Address   Support

E-mail to Profildata

Mail to: 

Att.: Svend Niemann Jensen
Thorsovanget 16, Virklund
DK 8600 Silkeborg


Submit support query

All registered customers, with at least 7 hours of training, are allowed to contact Profildata 24/7 for help, support or suggestions.

A basic license includes full error support. A severe error reported, will normally result in a patch within 24 hours. (Unless company is closed for a holiday) Minor errors are corrected with the next general patch or upgrade. A major error is characterized as an error inhibiting the customer to perform a task included in the programs functionality.

Hours of Operation

 Monday - Friday 08:00 a.m. - 04:00 p.m. (GMT) Closed Saturday and Sunday


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